Tips to Save Your Fresh Flowers Bouquet
Expressing love through flowers is one of the common and special patterns that people follow. Many people are in love with the idea of Fresh Flowers Bouquet. However, some people are not very fond of it. Though fresh flowers look good, these are not for forever. After some time, the flowers become dry and dead. Eventually, you have to throw the bouquet away.
Well, it’s not the case all the time. If you love the flowers, you can process with saving them for a long time. Let’s look at a few tips that help you keep the bouquet of flowers safe for longer than you think.
Place flowers in a vase.
Wrapped in a bouquet, flowers are arranged well but do not last long because these are all tied up and don’t get enough water, nutrients, or space to breathe. It’s better to remove these flowers from the bouquet and place them in a water vase. Doing so will give them enough water and other essentials to be good.
Cut stems to an appropriate length.
Well, pacing the flowers into a vase is not just enough. You have to place them in the right position, taking specific measures. Cutting the stems to a good length is one of them. When the flowers are cut for bouquets, their stems from the edges get started dry or dead. Cutting these stems and placing a fresh and active part in water is better.
Remove extra leaves
The leaves on flowers are another factor causing them to dry faster and become dull. It’s better to cut off these excessive flowers from the stem. It helps the flowers get enough moisture from the stem and not face any issues surviving for a long time.
Pick up the right vase length.
Your vase length or dimension should meet the length and number of flowers you place. A flat bottom vase is not ideal for long-stem flowers. However, you cannot place short-stem flowers in a long-shaped vase either. It’s better to work things smartly.
Change the water every two days.
Placing flowers in the water is not everything you will do. It is essential to keep changing it every two days. Flowers are breathing in water and do need a refill after some time. If you are not doing so, it will poison flowers.
Remove dead or dying flowers.
Not all flowers have a similar life in a bouquet; some will last longer, and some will fall off easily. You need to remove the dead or dying flowers from the bundle before it will impact the other flowers.
Wrap Up!
By using smart and essential tips, you can keep your flower bouquets for a long time. These management tips help you avoid losing flowers at the earliest stage. You can make them last longer than expected. For further extension in your flower’s life, you can try a few energy solutions like sugar, glucose, aspirin and other agents mixed in water. These will help to keep water breathing and feeding well.